Politics/Social Commentary
Op-ed, commentary, reflections and rants on politics and popular culture
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Lame Duck on Steroids
It's Time to Look in the Mirror: Obama conceeds on tax breaks to the wealthy
What's on the Menu for the Tea Party?
It Gets Better: Campaign to counter the rash of gay youth suicides
Why Tim Bishop Needs Your Help
Albany's Dysfunctional Soup: We Need a Recipe for Change. Candidate Regina Calcaterra is one ingredient in the mix
Health Care Debacle: Tea Party controls the debate
Come Senators, Congressman, Please Heed the Call: NY Marriage Equality Now
It Was 40 Years Ago Today: Thoughts from my 40th high school reunion
By the Time We Got to Woodstock: Pesonal memories from that momentous weekend
By the Time We ALMOST Got to Woodstock(guest contribution)
To Twitter or Not to Twitter: That is the Question?