If you’d like your state government
to emulate the exhalted status of the Empire State, the recipe goes something like this:
1) Start with a finely diced fellonious state comptroller forced to resign for using state limos to chauffeur
his wife to her appointments.
2) Next skewer an immensely popular govenor who campaigned on a platform
of reform and then got caught in an illegal prostitution ring using the very wiretapping techniques he pioneered in fighting
Wall Street corruption.
3) Then take years of legislative deadlock and heat to a low boil.
4) Throw in 8 pounds of bi-partisan legislatiave corruption made up of
equal parts influence peddling and abuse of office scandals (the really ripe cheesey kind in which the Senate Majority Leader
co-mingles public and private business),
5) Add a cup of indictments including a State Senator for Driving While Intoxicated,
6) Mix in 2/3 cup of convictions including one taken from the pages
of The Enquirer in which a low-life State Senator is convicted of attacking his girlfriend with a piece of broken glass. (I’m tellin’ ya, you just can’t make this stuff up).
7) Cook this whole fragrant stew until the talk show hosts take note.
8) Garnish with a shamefully cowardice vote on marriage equality in which
the Senators ignored the opinions of the majority of New Yorkers (53% in favor, 39% oppose)who now favor granting full civil
rights to all by allowing gay couples to marry and enjoy full protection under the law.