The Health Care Debacle (cont)

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Cutting through the bull...

Despite those attempts to control the discussion and quash dissent about the Iraq war, people finally figured it out and eventually saw through the administration spin-meisters.  When Obama first started his campaign his message for change was marginalized too.  But through his skillful ability to communicate, cut through the bull, and persevere people began to believe he could actually get elected and with a Democratic congress could begin to establish the fundamental changes we need.    Perhaps we Democrats have been guilty of being naïve in thinking now that we won fair and square, it’s our turn and the right will step aside.  So now we know that even our hard fought and legitimate democratic victories are not sufficient.  The fight for the changes that we believe are just, including universal health care for all, will take more.  And just as we mobilized for Obama’s historic victory, so too is everyone’s support needed to push these reforms the final mile.


The following video is a short expose about how the insurance companies (in this case CIGNA) are focused on maximizing profit at the expense of the health of their customers.