Exit Cuckoo is an autobiographical one-woman show written and performed by Lisa Ramirez and directed by Colman
Domingo currently playing at the off-Broadway Working Theater. Ramirez, like
many aspiring young actors has found the need to supplement her income with more conventional work between gigs to pay the
rent and put food on the table. While many starving actors wait tables, Ramirez
chose changing diapers, pushing strollers, and taking her charges to the opera. In other words she worked
as a domestic child care provider, a.k.a nanny and her experience became a treasure trove of material for her show.
The name of the show is based on the fact that some species of the Cuckoo bird are
brood parasites which means they get other species to sit on and care for their
eggs until they hatch and even provide food for their babes until they’re ready to leave the nest – in the real
world these are other birds such as the Reed Warbler (see photo) but I can’t get the image of Dr. Seuss’ Horton
(the Elephant) Hatches an Egg out of my head. I originally had a YouTube link here to the original 1942 Looney Toons
version but Warner Bros. pulled it down due to copyright infringement, so instead here is the First Lady reading the Seuss
story to kids on the White House lawn: